
A screening room for programming about media arts, activism, and mediated experience


On Reserve Media

Film and media works that can be screened at Slought upon request

Opens to public



By appointment

Our library of media works is available by appointment to anyone interested in exploring issues related to media arts. It has been developed in collaboration with artists, artist estates, and distributors, including the Penn Libraries as well as participating artists and curators.

Featured titles engage the role of images in art, politics, and public life. To access them, browse the listings below and request a screening on-site. Designed for up to 15 people, the mediatheque provides an intimate screening environment that supports sociality and engagement. Contact us to schedule a screening at any time.

In addition to individual works, the library also includes other resources including tools, sites, and databases that support media access and literacy.

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Titles in the collection:

Julian d'Angiolillo
Cuerpo de letra (Embodied Letters)
2015, 76 min

Julian d'Angiolillo
Hacerme Feriante (Become a Stallholder)
2010, 94 min

Stay tuned as we release additional titles and resources.